First impression of your business - hopefully
not the last one.

Importance of a refined website.
First few seconds > years of progress

Think about that: all the years you spent on education, graduating a prestigious university and collecting some great work experience. Having gained the necessary tools to get your dream job, you are confident you should achieve it. There will be no obstacles on the basis of merit. However human beings are very far from being rational, as we all know pretty well. It should not surprise you to read, that according to the majority of the modern scientific research the most important factor deciding whether you get a post or not, is none other than an overused cliche - a first impression. Just the infamous first few seconds of an interview. Yes, we all know it very well, who have not heard about it yet? Why does it matter when it comes to your business?

Embrace the blessing of first impressions

First impressions - the topic we are all so aware of. A classic example of a mystical, mysterious and sacred knowledge, that we all consciously possess, yet still chose to ignore on so many levels. We would not admit that our success relied on our confident looks and a handshake. Never. What an insult! We obviously nailed our interviews, managed to present ourselves in an honest way, emphasising the value we could bring to a company. Everybody must have had that feeling more than once.

Ignore the smart talk, time for real job interview tips

Time to face the reality though. First impressions are mostly determined by initial non-verbal vibes sent by us. Following the Forbes’ advice, you should:

- Adjust your attitude.
- Straighten your posture.
- Smile.
- Make eye contact.
- Raise your eyebrows.
- Shake hands.
- Lean in slightly.

That should be your job interview itinerary. It may sound ridiculous, but statistically it will grant you much higher chances to succeed. All in all, our brains were designed to survive. We have to skip unnecessary hassle of rational decision making and make assumptions all the time. That is the simplification gifted to us by the mighty evolution. But how does it relate to your business?

Ignore the smart talk, time for real job interview tips

Frankly speaking, we all know that, as I stated above. Don’t we? Why only few people make a transition from having that knowledge to implementing it in their business environment? The answer is simple. We are not rational.

Your website is your face

It is not rocket science. We live in the year 2019, the era of smartphones, mobile data and digital communication. A website for any business is not a just a must anymore. Right now it is about how good it is- aesthetics, functionality, responsiveness and promptness.

Outsiders perceive you the way you present yourself to them through your website. Certain aspects that discourage people from becoming your customers are obvious: poor visual design, lack of substance etc. Although one important piece (if not the most important) of a puzzle tends to be easily overlooked. The loading time on mobile devices.

What is the secret of an online success?

As the Google research states, 53% of visitors will leave the website if the loading time exceeds 3 seconds. Yes, you lose half of your potential business just because of something so petty and trivial. 46 % of questioned people admit, that waiting time is the most annoying issue they have with browsing on mobile devices. Funny it may seem though, the average loading time of a mobile website over a standard 3G connection is 19 seconds! Great first impression, isn’t it?

Information on website’s loading time

The raw data is overwhelming. Your website can look as fancy as you want, your product can be the best on the market, while mobile sites that load within 5 seconds tend to earn up to 2x more mobile ad revenue, 25% higher ad viewability and 70% longer sessions than slow websites. You cannot argue with that. Every 1 second delay in page load decreases customer satisfaction by 16 percent, page views by 11 percent and conversion rates by 7 percent

Real business boost

Managers and owners invest huge money in product development, refurbishments and so on, however some of them are not even interested in making it palatable. Such a futile effort. The standards have changed. It is 2019. Time to wake up and adjust your business to our modern times. Classic web development is not enough anymore. Bow to the king Smartphone the First and increase your sales drastically. As WhiteNight we make super fast websites, this is one of our priorities. We know how to design and code websites to make them perfect. Just check it yourself - compare our website to yours.

We are experts. Let us help you increase your sales.
Fancy asking us to give you a hand? Feel free to contact us.